Natural Resources

Texas water law continues to evolve as legislators and courts address the issues posed by a growing Texas population and competing demands placed on an increasingly scarce but vital resource.


The firm advises landowners and users on issues pertaining to surface-water rights, groundwater-conservation districts, acquisition of permits for water development, and leasing and conveyancing of groundwater interests.


In the oil-and-gas industry, the firm helps operators navigate the rules and exemptions of the Texas Water Code and applicable case law to secure reliable supplies of water for drilling and well-stimulation operations. In addition to helping operators obtain all necessary permits or comply with exemption requirements, the firm helps companies secure water from landowners through surface-use and water-use agreements.


The firm helps operators ensure the safe disposal of produced and flowback water by assisting during the permitting process for Class II injection wells. We help operators understand the procedural, technical, geological, area-of-review, casing, and special-equipment requirements, and we offer representation before the Railroad Commission to help operators obtain permits smoothly and quickly.

Hamilton Shores recognizes the importance and opportunity of wind-generated energy and alternative-energy sources in the long-term economic and environmental landscape. To that end, the firm offers representation in connection a variety of wind and alternative-energy documents.


The firm represents landowners and energy companies in negotiation and preparation of wind-energy leases, option agreements, and easements associated with development of wind-energy projects.


Additionally, the firm has experience with Exploratory Agreements allowing for the exploration and development of solar electric and geothermal energy.